Brooklyn, NY: The big screen movie, “Jamaican Mafia,” premiered in two movie houses last Thursday in Valley Stream, NY. The producers, director actors and actresses in “Jamaican Mafia” hope that a national movie distributing company will distribute the movie across the U.S., Canada, England and the rest of the world.
There is no reason why a national movie distributor should not market and distribute Jamaican Mafia. Financially, it will be successful because the movie appeals to global movie goers who love gangster thriller and sex prone movies. All the actors and actresses in “Jamaica Mafia” led by Paul Campbell and screen writer Mykal Fax are excellent.
The Producers and director deserve high praise for their casting abilities. Many prominent business persons in Caribbean-New York such as Bobby Clarke of Irie Jam Radio, entrepreneur and radio personality David Squeeze Annakie, Dale Gefield of People’s Choice Furniture and Soca Jean of Tropical Reflection Ballroom are in Jamaican Mafia.
The setting of the movie is not in Jamaica and neither is the storyline. The setting is the heart of one of Brooklyn’s Caribbean neighborhood, East Flatbush. It’s the Jamaican mafia family of Brooklyn Vs the Nigerian mafia family of Brooklyn.
I guarantee Jamaican Mafia will please thriller seeking movie lovers. It is similar to the Hollywood blockbuster, The Godfather of the 1980s and more recently, Goodfellas.
I don’t think the motion picture people who classify movies have yet categorized Jamaican Mafia. When the do, the Jamaican Mafia will be classified for adults; parents must use their discretion if planning to take their children. I will not recommend it for children under fifteen.
It is a good movie to see by adults. … Herman Hall