During the 1980s, 1990s and up to 2004 popular American TV programs such as CBS 60 Minutes and television programs in Canada and the UK produced negative documentaries about Antigua and Barbuda. Not so thrilling features on Antigua and Barbuda appeared in world renowned newspapers and magazines including The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, The Economist and TIME… The global media focused on international scandals then plaguing Antigua and Barbuda …
… Based on his unswerving leadership, his determination to prevent Antigua and Barbuda from becoming a haven for international illicit trade by steering the nation down the right path to the extent that Antigua is highly praised by the community of nations, we are convinced that Prime Minister Baldwin Spencer has earned the honor to be “EVERYBODY’S Person of the Year” and “The Caribbean Person of the Year” for 2013.
…. Previous EVERYBODY’S Person of the Year include Sir Arthur Lewis (1979) for winning the Nobel Prize for economics; in 1980 to Dominica’s Prime Minister Mary Eugenia Charles for demonstrating leadership qualities of women in her role as Opposition Leader and later as prime minister; in 2004 to then Prime Minister Patrick Manning of Trinidad & Tobago for consistently using Trinidad & Tobago resources to assist Caricom nations; in 2008 to Olympian Usain Bolt of Jamaica and in 2012 to Olympian Kirani James of Grenada.